Israel-Palestine Demographic Map
Map by Rafi Gassel, modified over the base map by, Sergey Kondrashov, CC BY-SA 4.0, Ethno-cultural groups of Israeli population by settlements’ built-up
areas, Link to detailed map (click here)
Map of States of Israel and Palestine in the Jerusalem Union Proposal
Map by Rafi Gassel, modified over the base map by, Sergey Kondrashov, CC BY-SA 4.0, Ethno-cultural groups of Israeli population by settlements’ built-up
areas, Link to detailed map (click here)
Map of States of Israel and Palestine in Jerusalem Union Proposal with Jerusalem Federal District
Map by Rafi Gassel, modified over the base map by, Sergey Kondrashov, CC BY-SA 4.0, Ethno-cultural groups of Israeli population by settlements’ built-up
areas, Link to detailed map (click here)
Map of Semi-Autonomous Electoral Districts in Jerusalem Union Proposal
Map by Rafi Gassel, modified over the base map by, Sergey Kondrashov, CC BY-SA 4.0, Ethno-cultural groups of Israeli population by settlements’ built-up
areas, Link to a detailed map (click here) for a link to a Google Maps version (click here)