
Video Presentations of the Federation Proposal by Rafi Gassel:

Rafi Gassel Presents the Jerusalem Union Proposal
Israeli and Palestinian activists Rafi Gassel and Kamal Nawash discuss the war in Gaza and how to make peace through the creation of an Israel-Palestine Union based on equality, freedom, and democracy. Both Rafi and Kamal are longtime activists for the idea of a Federal Solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict and in this video they share and discuss this vision.
Rafi Gassel and Maad Abu-Ghazalah debate the issues related to a proposed ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas following the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas. They discuss motivations on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides as well as obstacles preventing the end of the conflict.
Rafi Gassel Presents the Eretz-Ard Political Framework, slideshow presentation – Unity is Strength
Rafi Presents the Federation Proposal using Google Maps – Open Peace Podcast
Rafi Gassel discusses Israel-Palestine Federation models with Emmanuel Shahaf – Sulha
Rafi Talking about history and genetics of the Jews and Arabs of the Sothern Levant

Zahir talking about the Federation Proposal:

Zahir and Gershon Baskin discuss the Federation Proposal

Other Videos with the Eretz-Ard Team members:

The Eretz – Ard Solution from Anna Nesterov on Vimeo.

The History of Israel-Palestine: In Search of a Common Narrative
20 Questions with Zahir and Dani
20 Questions Part 2 with Zahir and Dani
Rafi and Kamal talk Federation

(1) 1 State or 2 state solution? what will it be? | Open Peace Podcast #51 – YouTube

Rafi and Malkon Talk about Identity
Rafi and Malkon talk about Solutions
Rafi and Malkon part 3
Rafi and Ryan Debate what Indigenous means
Zachary Foster & Zahir Zaydani dive into the history of the Palestinian identity
Rafi in the old city of Jerusalem
Really old video, Rafi runs for President of the Israeli-Palestinian Confederation